Community Partners
What is Fiscal Sponsorship?
Fiscal Agency allows an organization without tax-exempt status to receive funds via an established nonprofit with 501[3] tax-exempt status. This is a great first step in fundraising.

The Crow Wing County Adult Protection Team is a collaborative team comprised of local professionals with backgrounds in social work, guardianship, veteran’s services, senior care, law enforcement, mental health, financial services, ombudsman, emergency care, long term care facilities and more. The Adult Protection Team is authorized by Minn. Stat., §626.5571.
Our Team provides public and professional education to the community at-large. They develop resources for prevention, intervention, treatment and case consultation to the local welfare agency to better enable the agency to carry out its adult protection functions to meet the community’s needs for adult protection services. The team actively works to foster community awareness in understanding adult protection issues. Donations can be made here: Crow Wing County ADMT | Brainerd Community Action

Brainerd Lakes TZD, Brainerd Taxi and Brainerd Community Action have partnered together to bring a way to safely make it home at night.
The program offers free rides from establishments in Brainerd to a residence or hotel within 20 miles — no questions asked.
“If a Safe Ride prevents one impaired driver from getting into their vehicle and trying to drive, then the Safe Ride has worked,” Maier said. “With support from Brainerd Community Action and collaboration amongst our local participating businesses, I believe that the Safe Ride program will succeed, and our hope is to be able to expand into the city of Baxter and nearby surrounding areas in the future.”
As the program is in its pilot phase, donations are welcome to help see the program grow to a larger service area.

Crow Wing County Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Community (CWCBTYRC) is a volunteer organization that aims to continue Minnesota’s proud history of supporting our nation’s military. CWCBTYRC is a diverse group of citizens and community leaders uniting key areas within our communities to leverage existing support activities, build awareness and take action to recognize and support Service members, Veterans, military families and employers. For more information please email [email protected]
We want to solve the world’s problems and we need your help. After winning the state Future Problem Solving (FPS) competition, seven of us from Brainerd Public Schools were invited to the FPS International Conference at UMass Amherst, MA June 7-11, 2023. We are excited to represent our community and the State of Minnesota among kids from all over the country and around the world. You can help us get there.
The Seth Lane Schardin Foundation was created to assist children and adults with disabilities and special needs to have improvements in their day to day lives. From creating wheelchair accessible events, to raising awareness about addiction recovery and suicide prevention, we strive to help all those in need have a slightly brighter day. Please consider donating to any of our events including the Walk of Hope and the Franklin Arts Center Handicap Accessible Halloween.
The Merrifield Lions club has set up a fund specifically for the improvement and enrichment of the playground at Merrifield Lions Park. All donations (minus the administration fees) will go directly to this sole goal!

Friends of the BLA Treatment Courts is made up of three Treatment Courts, Aitkin County Sobriety Court, Crow Wing County DWI Court, and Crow Wing County Drug Court, have been proud partners with Brainerd Community Action for the past 6 years. The Treatment Courts are grant funded, and work with high risk/high needs alcohol and drug offenders that are Aitkin and Crow Wing County residence. Their focus is to enhance public safety by increasing the supervision of the offenders, reducing recidivism rates and increasing the success of treatment. We work together to provide a safe and healthy community.

Since 2015, Brainerd Riverfront has been a city advisory committee advocating for equitable access to the Mississippi River through parks, overlooks, and trails. Over the past five years their 10 member community has worked with stakeholders including Central Lakes College, Brainerd YMCA and many others to develop their first project. Mississippi Landing will be a multi-use park on the shores of the river, just south of the North Star Apartments. The park will feature an amphitheater for musical and cultural productions, a river overlook and a unique set of steps allowing visitors to touch the water. The park will also include a new canoe/kayak landing and set of trails that will encourage people to explore the city’s unique riparian environment. Visit their Facebook or website, Brainerd Riverfront, for more information.